Fabric features

Visual explorer

All your data and content together for the first time. Files, notes, links, tabs, media – side by side in a single explorer.

Paste, save, drag content directly to it, or connect any of your apps and cloud drives and they'll stay synchronised.

AI search and chat assistant

Currently supports all image types, PDFs, bookmarks and notes.

We're continuously adding support for more file-types.

Find anything again with our custom AI search. Everything in your Fabric drive is enriched with ML, allowing you to search with natural language for an idea, concept or the themes of a piece of content.

Saved a photo of sailing trip? Search "boat", "ocean" or any other visual detail.

Our chat assistant can answer questions about anything in your Fabric, or about a specific document you're viewing. Like your own personal research assistant.

Multiplayer everything

Anything in your Fabric drive can be experienced together. Move between documents together, leave comments, organize with kanban views, labels and much more.

Annotate anything

Everything in Fabric supports annotation – like a digital post-it note on top of any object. Never forget the context of a file, or why a bookmark was relevant to you.

Woven with intelligence

Learn more here:

Using Fabric's AI

Fabric connects the dots between everything in your drive.

Hop between related concepts, ideas and visuals – moving between similar content within your digital mind.

Last updated