🔢The basics

Right click anything

Everything in Fabric can be right-clicked to access controls – just like a file on your computer. Right-click any card in Fabric to move it, share it, open it and much more.

Add anything, in any way (yes, really)

In Fabric, you can add anything, in your own way.

  • Drag any file, link, or image into Fabric to save it.

  • Paste any link, text, image or file to create them inside Fabric.

  • Make notes, upload any file, save any link.

  • Connect your favourite apps and cloud drives (we're adding to the ones we support all the time)

Our mission is to make a universal home for any data whatsoever. Let us know if there's a way to add content that you'd like to see.

Drag / multi-select

Perform bulk actions by holding CMD (Ctrl on Windows) or shift+clicking, or even just simply dragging across multiple cards. They will become selected and you can right-click to perform bulk actions on them.

Last updated